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Where Every Purchase is a Step Towards a Carbon-Free Tomorrow.

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Net Zero Today, Sustainable Tomorrow

We aim to simplify your access to Net Zero Products, Services, and Companies today. Our goal is to reduce supply chain emissions immediately by providing Net Zero products and services to encourage their take up by buyers and suppliers.

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Our Vision

Cracking the Carbon Code: Decoding the Environmental Impact of Your Purchases

The Problem

UK Business Carbon Footprint UK Business Carbon Footprint

The largest businesses in the UK are the FTSE 100 and 91% of their emissions are in their supply chain, and only 1/3 have a sensible measurement ( see Chart). In the wider economy 99% of businesses have yet to measure and reduce, and the UK is a leader in this field with major organisations like the National Health Service having first measured in 2008, and Government now mandating carbon reduction plans for suppliers.

USA Business Carbon Footprint USA Business Carbon Footprint

The Federal Government now requires suppliers to have Science Based Targets. This is major change for suppliers since all suppliers have more that 40% of their carbon footprint in supply chain and thus need to measure and reduce their supply chain emissions to get a Science Based Target.

Global Carbon Distribution Global Carbon Distribution

Worldwide, carbon distribution varies, with electricity a major factor. As energy efficiency improves, contributions from materials like Cement and Steel are set to increase, while every product, from Soy and Palm oil to cattle raising, adds to the intricate global carbon footprint.

Individual Spending Individual Spending

Personally, spending beyond energy bills heavily influences carbon footprints—everyday items, from food to products, are primary sources of individual emissions, emphasizing the need for awareness and sustainable choices.

NetZeroMarketplace a Brilliant Partnership

At, we're teaming up with CloudBuy for a top-notch marketplace experience and Co2Analysis for essential carbon footprint details. It's a simple partnership making your sustainable choices easier and more informed.

"Today's Choices, Tomorrow's Sustainability - Join the Journey to Carbon Neutrality ."

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